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Event Series Education in Motion

Education in Motion

Embark on an exhilarating journey through the wonders of physics at Tropic Falls! Gravity, inertia, and centripetal force come alive in this thrilling adventure, making science an unforgettable experience for your class. Education In Motion presents a STEM-based field trip that seamlessly blends education with excitement, promising a day of unparalleled learning. Our carefully crafted [...]

Event Series Education in Motion

Education in Motion

Embark on an exhilarating journey through the wonders of physics at Tropic Falls! Gravity, inertia, and centripetal force come alive in this thrilling adventure, making science an unforgettable experience for your class. Education In Motion presents a STEM-based field trip that seamlessly blends education with excitement, promising a day of unparalleled learning. Our carefully crafted [...]

Event Series FoleyCon


Foley Civic Center 407 E. Laurel Ave., Foley, AL, United States

Join us May 9th & 10th 10AM to 5PM for FoleyCon! Hosted by Action Game and Movie, we are setting this convention to support local artists and venders.Featured guests:Pensacola Droid Buildersothers to be announced! We hope to bring together communities of all ages and interest to join in and have fun! We hope to see [...]

Event Series Education in Motion

Education in Motion

Embark on an exhilarating journey through the wonders of physics at Tropic Falls! Gravity, inertia, and centripetal force come alive in this thrilling adventure, making science an unforgettable experience for your class. Education In Motion presents a STEM-based field trip that seamlessly blends education with excitement, promising a day of unparalleled learning. Our carefully crafted [...]

Event Series FoleyCon


Foley Civic Center 407 E. Laurel Ave., Foley, AL, United States

Join us May 9th & 10th 10AM to 5PM for FoleyCon! Hosted by Action Game and Movie, we are setting this convention to support local artists and venders.Featured guests:Pensacola Droid Buildersothers to be announced! We hope to bring together communities of all ages and interest to join in and have fun! We hope to see [...]

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